DESI-MS Lipid Imaging

When Words Don't Do Justice


Desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) imaging of lipids in biological samples creates information rich and highly detailed 2D maps to reveal lipid spatial distribution while gaining qualitative and quantitative insights into spatial lipid metabolism.

This convenient and rapid approach enables multiplexing of lipid classes for both targeted and untargeted analysis across a range of biological samples.

Why We Love This Approach

Minimal sample for DESI-MS

Minimal Sample Needed

Minimal biological sample needed without complex preparation to show spatial location of lipid metabolites

DESI-MS has high selectivity

High Selectivity

Target single or multiple classes of lipids to better assess spatial lipid metabolism

DESI-MS Compatible with Most Samples

Sample Compatibility

Obtain powerful images from a wide range of sample matrices

Quality Images from DESI-MS

Quality Images

Generate a wealth of spatial information using high resolution images

Ready to create some beautiful images?

Discover the Possibilities with Lipid Imaging

DESI-MS Image Maps


DESI-MS Brain Lipid Scan
Lipid metabolism pathway of soybeans


Data Analysis Icon


Neutral Lipid

When pictures are worth a thousand words

Accelerate Your Discovery

DESI-MS Lipid Imaging Package

Show the spatial location of lipids on a qualitative and semi quantitative basis. Work can be done using both targeted and untargeted analytical approach. Gain powerful insight into a variety of compounds with minimal pretreatment, to characterize, identify and visualize multiple classes of lipids

Lipid Class Coverage

Our Full Service Package Includes

DESI-MS Compatible with Most Samples

1) Sample Preparation and Sectioning

DESI-MS Image Maps

2) Lipid Image Maps

DESI-MS Quantification

3) Semi-quantification of identified lipids with basic Statistics

E-report delivery

4) E-report delivered within 6 weeks*

Start Your Project Today!

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Hear what some of our clients and collaborators have to say about working with Lipid Insight.

We would like to thank you for the great meeting we had last week. It was important for us to get to know you and see the capabilities of your lab. We all agree that your expertise is valuable and we are satisfied with your proposal taking into consideration the challenge of this analysis.

R&D Manager

Food Industry

He (Dr. Thomas) is a scientist par excellence who has built a reputation as the “go to” person for solving lipid analytical issues

Principal Investigator

Memorial University

Let's Connect

Speak to a lipid expert!  Get more information on how lipid analysis can advance your research. Please use the form below to provide some information or email us at   We’re happy to chat and see how we can take your project to the next level!

To serve you better, please share: 1) Company/Institution 2) Role 3) Samples types 4) Quantity 5) Research particulars and requirements 6) Projected timeline completion

See Other Services We Offer

Lipid analysis vials

Lipid Analysis

Get targeted and untargeted lipid analysis with detailed report showing basic and advanced statistical and bioinformatics results

Data Analysis

Apply statistics & lipid bioinformatics to establish meaningful links between the lipidome, lipid metabolism, mechanism & phenotype


Elevate your impact! We support and empower researchers and innovators to confidently accelerate their discovery